Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Words for Warriors

It was an adventure…”—Chad Garber, Wapsie Valley Superintendent
Above is not a silly pitch to impress my new boss, in fact it is a common statement I have heard from Mr. Garber over the past several months.  As I have gotten to know Mr. Garber he has used this expression as he has explained different situations in his professional and personal life.  When I found out I was going to have the opportunity to bring my wife, Lydia, and young son, Ajay,  into “The Valley”, I soon realized that we would partake in the biggest adventure of our lives. 
Livestrong.com and I am sure many others list that the top 5 common stressors in people’s lives come from the following categories: Family and Friends, Life-Changing Events, Money, Work, and Health Issues.  Here is a quick breakdown of how these coincide with the first four months of our family adventure.
Friends and Family:  Moving away from new and old friends, begging the in-laws to help us move our junk (three times) and to let us and our wild child live with them at a moment’s notice.  Check.
Life-Changing Events:  Livestrong lists the first two as marriage and pregnancy.  Throw in career moves for the both of us.  Check, check, and check.
Money:  Anyone who has ever sold a house, built a house, or tried to do both at the same time, can agree here. CHECK.
Work:  Career moves for the both of us, while finishing up work at old positions.  Taking care of a walking, gibberish-speaking, teething, tantrum-throwing sweetheart of a little boy sure is work as well.  Check.
Health:  Thankfully we are all in good health, but let’s consider, my wife is very much pregnant and it has been 100 degrees from what seems like two months straight, this is not good on her physical health and my mental health! Plus, I have about 15 pounds of baby weight to lose from the first child, just so I can gain it all back with the second one in a couple months.  This may be a stretch but, check anyways. 
So let’s pile it on here!  On top of making a huge career move, we were in a new community, meeting lots of new faces, are now living in a temporary home for the next 3-4 months, making important decisions about building our own new home, bouncing Ajay from place-to-place, and planning how to welcome our second son into the world.  I can joke that I am putting Lydia through my own warped series of tests on our marriage, but what we have experienced has not been something filled with overwhelming stressors.  What we have found is that the Wapsie Valley family has welcomed us graciously and we have found a place we are excited to stay for a very long time. 
I look forward to working with the staff, administrative team, parents, patrons, and students of the district and communicating the success and challenges we face every day in education as we pursue excellence at Wapsie Valley.  I could not be more excited to start the 2012-2013 (stress-free) school year as the new Jr./Sr. High School principal and to bring my young, growing family into the Wapsie Valley family.
Please feel free to contact me anytime at the Jr./Sr. High School office at (319)638-6711, on my cell phone at (319)240-0069, via e-mail at jjohnson@wapsievalleyschools.org or please stop and introduce yourself if you see my family and I around the communities. Thanks again and Go Warriors!! –Josh Johnson